Remote Learning - ELearning

Please note that we will continue to add questions and answers to this document as we move through the remote learning process.

Contact Information:

Elementary Principal - Mr. Yates - - (217) 626-1221

Middle School Principal - Andy West - - (217) 626-1061

High School Principal - Mrs. Greer - - (217) 626-1044

Technology Team - Mr. Langley - - (217) 626-1041

Mr. Squires - - (217) 626-1041

Elementary Counselor - Mrs. Ferrero - (217) 626-1221

Middle School Counselor - Mr. Ollech - (217) 626-1061

High School Counselors - Freshman/Sophomore - Mr. Lucas - - (217) 626-1044

Junior/Senior - Mrs. Schaefer - - (217) 626-1044

Student/Parent Tutorials

Student and parent tutorials will be available as they are created at

PPCUSD8 Technology Guidelines-Chromebook Agreement

PPCUSD8 Technology Guidelines-Chromebook Agreement

PPCUSD8 ELearning Snow Day Program Plan

Pleasant Plains CUSD8 ELearning Program Plan

Remote Learning FAQ

How will remote learning this fall look different from what we experienced last spring?

In addition to a much more structured schedule, Chromebooks are being provided to every student. Students will be held accountable for both grades and attendance. Teachers have been given high definition cameras and multiple trainings on both remote learning practices and Google Suite to implement effective remote instruction. Teaching will occur via live streaming and in recordings of the live format. Students may attend live and/or watch recorded versions of each lesson which will be located in Google Classroom or Seesaw. The learning management system for grades 1-12 is Google Classroom with Seesaw being used for kindergarten students. All communication at the building or district level will be through Teacherease.

What are the First Day Instructions?

  1. Attach charger to chromebook

  2. Open chromebook and log in

  • Farmingdale students will use their clever badges to log in (these will be distributed with chromebooks)

  • Middle and high school students will log in using their username and password (If you have forgotten your password, Mr. Langley will have to be contacted for a reset)

  • New students to the District should have received username and password information. If you have not, please contact the appropriate building secretary.

  1. Go to top right hand corner and find the waffle (app grid)

  2. Go to Google Classroom where you will find your classes listed. Select the first class listed on your schedule. Further directions will be given from there.

How will homework be submitted to the teachers?

Homework will primarily be submitted electronically via Google Classroom. Kindergarten students will use the Seesaw platform, which is more age appropriate. We want as much work to be electronic as possible. Keep in mind that if work is required to be submitted via pencil/paper we will have a drop off system at each building that will meet ISBE and IDPH safety protocols.

What materials will I need to provide for my student during remote learning?

When you pick up your chromebook, other essential materials will be included in your bundle. Teachers will communicate additional materials necessary for grade level or content area specific instruction.

What if I do not have reliable internet?

Hot spots are being provided to those families who have indicated that they do not have a reliable source of internet. Once we begin remote learning, if you experience issues, please contact our technology support team.

John Langley:

Mike Squires:

Are there public access wifi hotspots in the area?

The wifi for each of the schools is accessible in the parking lots, especially close to the buildings.

The Pleasant Plains Firehouse at the Pleasant Plains station has a Casscomm public wifi set up that is aimed toward the park.

The Pleasant Plains Library has provided their wifi password: happydays2015

What if I do not know how to use my chromebook?

The technology team is providing a host of tutorials that will be available in the near future with this task included. These will be located on the remote learning page on the district website and at

What is a Clever Badge? (Farmingdale Students Only)

This is for Farmingdale students only and will be used to log elementary students in on their chromebooks. A tutorial is available on the remote learning page of the district website and at

What will my schedule look like?

All students will be expected to log on and participate in the lessons that will be recorded and/or live streamed daily whether that is during live teaching or after hours. Classes will follow a daily schedule that will be communicated by either a teacher or administrator.

How will attendance be taken for remote learners?

Parents will log onto TeacherEase daily and record attendance for their remote learner(s). If you do not know how to do this, visit the link below. Teachers will validate students marked present by seeing them during synchronous (live learning) or by assignments submitted or communication with those students needing to learn after hours. Visit the following page for instructions from TeacherEase:

What if I need help with Teacherease or Google Classroom?

We will provide a set of video tutorials for all families that will walk both parents and students through the various applications. Tutorials will be available in the near future on the remote learning page and at

Do Parents have access to Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is only accessible by student accounts. For the Farmingdale 1st -4th grade students, parents can guide them through on their Chromebooks after they log in.

Parents are encouraged to check assignments in TeacherEase. We have also encouraged teachers to post assignments with assigned dates and due dates in TeacherEase to assist parents.

Will my child be required to be online for every class every day from 8:00am -12:00pm?

We will not expect students to be on the screen from 8:05am -11:40pm each day. We have the ability to pre-record lessons, have live lessons, assign work and meet virtually in small groups at a later time, etc. There will be a variety of styles of lessons delivered from each teacher. We understand that families all have unique circumstances at home, and we will be diligent with being flexible on due dates and times.

What if my child has an IEP?

Needs of students with IEPS will be prioritized and every effort will be made to ensure that modifications and accommodations are met.

What if my child has a 504 Plan?

Needs of students with 504s will be prioritized and every effort will be made to ensure that modifications and accommodations are met.

What if my child needs outside services such as OT or PT?

In conjunction with SASED, we are coordinating services and schedules to provide these services to our students who need them.

What if my child is in need of counseling services?

Please contact the appropriate building counselor listed below.

Elementary Counselor - Mrs. Ferrero - (217) 626-1221

Middle School Counselor - Mr. Ollech - (217) 626-1061

High School Counselors - Freshman/Sophomore - Mr. Lucas - - (217) 626-1044

Junior/Senior - Mrs. Schaefer - - (217) 626-1044

What if I need to request a schedule change?

Please contact the appropriate building counselor listed below.

Elementary Counselor - Mrs. Ferrero - (217) 626-1221

Middle School Counselor - Mr. Ollech - (217) 626-1061

High School Counselors - Freshman/Sophomore - Mr. Lucas - - (217) 626-1044

Junior/Senior - Mrs. Schaefer - - (217) 626-1044

What if my child needs help from a teacher?

Teachers will be interacting with students during live streaming and providing time during those sessions for questions, etc. For students learning outside of livestreaming or for those struggling with a question even if attending live streaming, teachers will be available via email or phone call from the hours of 8:00-3:00 each day. In the event that additional types of communication are necessary such as Google Meet, appointments will be made by the teacher.

ELearning Snow Day FAQ

How will families be notified that an ELearning Day has been announced?

Families will be notified of a school closing the same way they have been notified in the past (email, website posting, Facebook, Emergency Closing Center

How does my child (or I) find out about the assignments or activities for the ELearning Day?

  • Lessons should be stored in any of the online platforms utilized regularly such as GSuite for Education or Google Classroom for grades 1-12 and SeeSaw for Kindergarten.

How will attendance be taken on ELearning Snow Days?

Parents will log onto TeacherEase daily and record attendance for their student(s). If you do not know how to do this, visit the link below. Teachers will validate students marked present by seeing them during synchronous (live learning) or by assignments submitted or communication with those students needing to learn after hours. Visit the following page for instructions from TeacherEase:

What subject areas will be addressed during an ELearning Day?

  • For each class period, a teacher will design their instruction to take the equivalent amount of time allotted for each content area within a typical school day. The ELearning lessons will mirror the students’ typical school day schedule. Teachers are encouraged to create appropriate lessons and/or learning activities for the ELearning day.

  • PPHS & PPMS students will follow their typical A-Day/B-Day schedule (A/B days are on the district calendar on the home page

  • Students should follow the specific ELearning day assignments.

What if there is no internet access at home on the ELearning Day?

Parents or students can contact a school administrator to arrange for paper copies of instructional materials and assignments. PPCUSD8 will work to find a means by which families with limited or no internet availability can access the Internet during ELearning days or be provided non-electronic copies of lesson materials from the teachers. Students will have up to 5 days to complete those assignments.

Farmingdale Elementary: Jamie Yates

Pleasant Plains Middle School: Andy West:

Pleasant Plains High School: Heather Greer:

Will grades on ELearning assignments be marked as for completion only or will assignment be checked for accuracy and graded?

ELearning assignments will be graded/scored as they would for a typical school day. Students will have up to 5 days to complete those assignments.

If my child has a question about an assignment, what do we do?

Teachers and specialists will be available for support via email.

Farmingdale Staff

Pleasant Plains Middle School Staff

Pleasant Plains High School Staff

If students have special needs or modified curriculum, how can ELearning address that situation?

  • Students receiving special education services will receive the same accommodations or modifications that they would during a regular school day.

  • Resource teachers at each school will be available for support via email.

If my child needs tech support on the ELearning Day, what can we do?

Tech support is available for devices provided by the district. Email Mike Squires at for tech support on district devices.

All parents or students can email John Langley at if you have trouble accessing any of the online resources that you need to do your ELearning or have a technology question.

What if I don’t have my child’s textbook?

Contact your building principal to make arrangements:

Farmingdale Elementary: Jamie Yates

Pleasant Plains Middle School: Andy West:

Pleasant Plains High School: Heather Greer:

Will this day be added onto the end of the school year too?


  • ELearning Learning Days in place of inclement weather/snow days count as instructional days do not need to be made up.