We are looking forward to a great school year. Our goal, as always, is to keep our students healthy. Please remember good handwashing technique and covering coughs and sneezes are important ways to prevent illness from spreading. Covering with the crook of your arm is a good method for keping your germs contained and your hands clean. Some germs can be spread when contaminated hands touch door handles, desks, keyboards, etc. Some of these germs can live up to two hours or more on these surfaces. It's important to keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth to prevent the spread of illness.
For the latest information on Covid-19 and the flu, click the link at the right which will take you to the CDC website: Covid-19 and Flu
Rachael Wachtveitl (
Nicole Lynn (
Hannah Gilman (
If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child's health management at school, please feel free to contact one of the nurses at Farmingdale 626-1221, the Middle School 626-1061, or the High School 626-1044.
Handbook Information
When should my child stay home from school?
Students should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol or Advil.
Students who have been vomiting must be free of vomiting for 24 hours and should be able to keep solid food down before returning to school.
Students diagnosed with a contagious disease that requires antibiotics should have 24 hours of antibiotic treatment before returning to school.
Students with a contagious illness must follow return to school guidelines set by IDPH/ their physician.
Please call the school nurse if you have any questions regarding your child staying home from school due to illness or injury.
School Nurse
The Pleasant Plains School District has the services of a certified school nurse. The duties of the nurse include compiling up-to-date cumulative health records on all students, screening for hearing and vision deficiencies, first aid in an emergency situation, assessment of health concerns, referrals as necessary for health counseling, etc.
Administering Medicines to Students
The administration of medication is not normally a function of the school. By scheduling medications before school, during early evening and at nighttime, the need for administration can be eliminated or at least minimized. However, some situations may necessitate the administration of medication during school hours. In those circumstances, medication may be administered at school according to the following guidelines:
A written note by the physician and the parent requesting that medication be administered during school hours must be sent to the school. The note must include the following:
The student’s name
The name of the drug
The dosage and the times, which the drug is to be administered
Any side effects and other instructions
The school cannot administer any medication (including “over the counter” medications) without a note from the parent and the physician.
The medication must be brought to school by the parent in an appropriately labeled container prepared by a pharmacy or a physician. If the parent is unable to bring the medication to the school, it may be sent with the student under the following circumstances:
The parent or guardian must call the school to inform its personnel that the child will be transporting medication.
The medication container must be placed in a sealed envelope with the student’s name and the quantity of medication in the container.
The student must deliver the medication to the school office upon arrival at school.
Medications will be administered once a day during the lunch period, except emergency medications such as inhalers, insulin, etc. will be administered as needed.
The school nurse, normally, will administer medications. In the absence of the school nurse, the principal or principal’s designee will administer medications.
The principal retains the right to reject a request for and/or discontinue the administration of medication.
Self Administration of Asthma Medication or use of epinephrine auto-injector
A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (Epi-pen) and/or medication prescribed for asthma for immediate use at the student’s discretion, provided that:
The parents or guardian of the student provide the school written authorization for the self-administration of medication; and
The parents or guardian of the student provide to the school a written statement from the student’s physician or advanced practice registered nurse containing the following:
Name and purpose of the medication
Prescribed dosage
Time at which or special circumstances under which the medication is to be administered
Verification that the student has been instructed in the use of and the self-administration of the medication and is capable of using the medication independently.
The student demonstrates the correct use of the medication to school health personnel.
(Asthma medication only) The student signs an agreement to never share the inhaler with another person and to notify the teacher or other responsible adult if there is not a marked improvement after two puffs of the inhaler.